In my last pre-pandemic post, I wrote about false friends - Spanish words that resemble English ones but have a much different meaning. These false friends are called false cognates.
They can be very misleading for people learning Spanish or inexperienced translators. It is essential a translator be proficient in both languages: the one in the original text and the one it´s being translated into.
False cognates have been known to trip up travelers, sometimes causing embarrassing situations.
Here are a few examples, I hope are helpful.
ABANDONAR means Quit in English.
No hay que abandonar a los estudios antes de recibirte. You should not quit studying before graduating.
It can be confused with QUITAR which means Remove in English.
Mi madre dijo quítate los zapatos sucios antes de entrar a casa. My mother said remove your dirty shoes before you come in the house.
EN ABSOLUTO is Not at All in English.
¿Estás preocupado por el examen de inglés? No, en absoluto. Are you worried about the English test? Not at all.
It´s often confused with ABSOLUTELY that means Totalmente in Spanish.
Estoy totalmente convencida que me mintió. I´m absolutely convinced he lied to me.
ACTUAL means Current in English. Sr. Gomez es el actual president de la compañía.
Mr. Gomez is the current president of the company.
However, it is often confused with ACTUAL that means Verdadero in Spanish.
Su nombre actual es Sebastian, no Santiago. His real name is Sebastian, not Santiago.
ADVERTENCIA is a Warning in English. En el parque hay una advertencia: No Pisar al Pasto. The park has a warning Do not step on the grass.
It shouldn´t be confused with ADVERTISEMENT which means
Anuncio in Spanish.
El restaurant publicó un anuncio promocionando su nuevo menu. The restaurant published an advertisement promoting their new menu.
ALCALDE means Mayor in English. Bill de Blasio es el alcalde de New York. Bill de Blasio is the mayor of New York.
It´s very easy to confuse MAYOR in Spanish which has several meanings: bigger/biggest or older/oldest. The word also refers to a major in the armed forces.
Mi mayor problema es que perdí a mis llaves. My biggest problem is I lost my keys.
Mi hermano mayor se llama Juan. My older brother is named John.
El mayor revisó a la tropa. The major inspected the troops.
ALFOMBRA is Carpet in English. Nuestra alfombra es verde. Our carpet is green.
However, CARPETA is Folder in Spanish. Ayer en la oficina Jorge me dio una carpeta. George gave me a folder in the office yesterday.
APOYAR means to Support. El presidente apoyó la medida.
The president supported the measure.
But SOPORTAR has a completely different meaning which is Put Up With.
Ella soporta a la música rock que toca su hijo. She puts up with her son playing rock.
ASISTENCIA means Attendance. La asistencia a clase es obligatoria. Attendance to class is obligatory.
But ATENCIÓN means something entirely different: Attention.
La profesora pidió atención cuando empezó la clase. The teacher asked for attention when she began the class.
AVERGONZADA means Embarrassed.
Estoy avergonzada de haber olvidado tu cumpleaños. I´m embarrassed to have forgotten your birthday.
Don't Confuse EMBARAZADA which means Pregnant with AVERGONZADA. This often leads to humorous and embarrassing situations.
Mi tía está embarazada de dos meses. My aunt is two months pregnant.